Sample Category Title

The Void

The Void is a realization of nothingness and the cruel abyss. No one understands anything about the Void, with the exception of their ultimate goal: the complete destruction of all worlds. The powerful members of the Void are essentially immortal and wield an unfathomable strength. The only reason Setera is able to stand up and fight back against them...

The Broken

The Broken are World Movers whose bodies have succumbed to their Void contamination. Void contamination is extremely unstable once absorbed within the body, eventually causing seizures and a breakdown of bodily functions. Once the contamination has reached this point, the internal flow of energy within the body completely breaks down, rendering those contaminated neither dead nor alive. The Broken...

The Guardians

The Guardians consist of the greater beings that oversee all of Setera and those who follow them. They vary greatly in appearance and temperament as they are not originally of this world. “The Great Ones” called upon them after each of their own worlds was destroyed by the Void. Due to their pasts, they view the contaminated World Movers as...

The Outcasts

The Outcasts are an armed band of ostracized World Movers. They were all ousted due to conflicts between factions or completely immoral acts, joining together afterwards based on their hostility towards other World Movers. Their humanity makes it easier for them to lay low, disguise themselves, and target and scam the World Movers. The danger they pose is completely...

The World Movers

The World Movers survived the Void’s destruction of their home world and escaped to Setera. All are blessed with extraordinary strength or luck that allowed them to overcome a multitude of challenges and powerful foes. They have split up into three separate factions. Each faction’s ultimate goal is the survival and prosperity of the World Movers, and as such...

The Void

The Void is a realization of nothingness and the cruel abyss. No one understands anything about the Void, with the exception of their ultimate goal: the complete destruction of all worlds. The powerful members of the Void are essentially immortal and wield an unfathomable strength. The only reason Setera is able to stand up and fight back against them...

The Broken

The Broken are World Movers whose bodies have succumbed to their Void contamination. Void contamination is extremely unstable once absorbed within the body, eventually causing seizures and a breakdown of bodily functions. Once the contamination has reached this point, the internal flow of energy within the body completely breaks down, rendering those contaminated neither dead nor alive. The Broken...

The Guardians

The Guardians consist of the greater beings that oversee all of Setera and those who follow them. They vary greatly in appearance and temperament as they are not originally of this world. “The Great Ones” called upon them after each of their own worlds was destroyed by the Void. Due to their pasts, they view the contaminated World Movers as...

The Outcasts

The Outcasts are an armed band of ostracized World Movers. They were all ousted due to conflicts between factions or completely immoral acts, joining together afterwards based on their hostility towards other World Movers. Their humanity makes it easier for them to lay low, disguise themselves, and target and scam the World Movers. The danger they pose is completely...

The World Movers

The World Movers survived the Void’s destruction of their home world and escaped to Setera. All are blessed with extraordinary strength or luck that allowed them to overcome a multitude of challenges and powerful foes. They have split up into three separate factions. Each faction’s ultimate goal is the survival and prosperity of the World Movers, and as such...